
Coronavirus Vaccines Updates

Early results from the clinical trials for the coronavirus vaccines are quite encouraging.

  • In the US and UK, some trails for vaccines have been done but according to their reports, the trail may take six to months if it clears the first trail.
  • Nearly there are dozens of vaccines for the trails and 140 or more are in early development.
  • The race for creating the vaccine is currently accelerating.
Some scientists are calling for volunteers to be exposed to the virus and help in creating the vaccine at a good pace.

Healthy volunteers.

There are now more than 23 vaccines in the clinical trials.

Scientists need more healthy volunteers on a daily bases to check the vaccine, and this process can take us into the next year.
because scientist have to check this vaccine on every age group and every weather condition all around the world to check  how it reacts in  different scenarios.
Coronavirus Vaccines Updates

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