
These countries which ban Pubg Game

Pubg is the one of the most popular game all around the world and there are 40 million daily user of this game in the current times.

But there is a bad news that Pubg has been slapped by many governments by banning it and list some countries  which ban pubg.
  1. Pakistan.
  2. China.
  3. Jordan.
  4. Nepal.
  5. Israel.
  6. Iraq.
Because of several complains that children are losing and failing in studies, by some parents and advocate, but still it is appreciated by gamer that it had made there carrier.

Is Pubg ban in India:

After banning the 57 apps of china including the famous app TikTok, Indian government is moving to pubg and there is still no any signal given by the Indain government of banning the pubg but heard some rumours that Pubg is going to be banned in Indai but there is no statement given by the Indian government that they are seeking to ban pubg in India.

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