
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resign for health reasons

 The longest serving Prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe has resigned from his duty, citing health issues.

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigned even though there was one year to go in his venture but he decided to set down his responsibilities as a Prime minister of Japan Abe said: that to the press held in the Tokyo on friday, even he felt sorry to his public that he will not b able to continue his services in the coronavirus pandemic.

Even though after his decision the public of Japan (Japanese) were not so happy.

Abe suffers from the Colitis, an non- curable inflammatory bowel disease,which was also the reason that Abe resign in the 2007 after the one year of his service he could  not continue that time, so this time he is going for his regular checkups.

Abe also said that he has been fighting with this disease over eight years of his life and in June there he had a checkup and he had a sign of disease, he added, "I made a judgement that i will not continue my job as a Prime Minister". said Abe " I need to fight the disease and need to be treated"


when Abe was elected second time in 2012, the country was at doldrums with the stagnation. so there Abe introduced the "Abenomics"  in which increases the the government spending and brought massive growth to the economy by monetary and boosted the confidence of consumer and investor.

Abe said ," This Japan is no longer the Japan in the past" in 2020 We have succeeded in  completely breaking through the great "wall of resignations".

Personal life:

Abe was born on September 21, 1954, In Tokyo to a prominent political family.
Both his grandfather and great uncle served as prime minister, and his father was a former secretary general of the LDP.

He studied politics at Tokyo's Selki University and the University of Southern California, but initially entered business, taking a position with kobe steel in 1979.

Three years ago however he became an assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and in 1993 Abe was first elected to the house of Representatives, aged 38. he was reelected seven times, and held a number of cabinet positions through out 2000s.

He married Akie Abe, nee Matsuzaki, the couples have no children.

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