
Sanitation Problem of Pakistan

   Sanitation Problem of Pakistan

Despite many other problems including financial, social, rampant inflation, poverty, ever increasing unemployment, low literacy rate, lack of merit in nearly all spheres of life, dearth of specialist doctors apropos to the population, decreasing fertile land, disrespect of law in the whole society, power shortage, lack of value addition of goods, poor infrastructure, ever declining condition of all fields of life, Pakistan is among the first top ten countries where sanitation problem is at the alarming stage. More than 40 percent of the Pakistani Population is having no access to the basic sanitation. According to a report several millions of Pakistani citizens lack a decent Toilet System. A big chunk of our population has no system for wastewater disposal. This lack is responsible for different diseases. Improper wastewater disposal contaminates potable water and our vast majority of populace is drinking such contaminated water which badly impacts the health of our nationals. Pakistani sanitation problem not new but it is very ironic that our governments have not given priority to the sanitation problem. As the sanitation problems increases day by day especially in the urban areas and it is increasing the financial problems of the poor masses of the country. Sanitation requires fund allocation on a large scale and government must also launch an awareness program to guide the people and also involve them in the program because without the participation of the people such a program will not give the desired results. If we want to see Pakistan progressive, we shall have to give priority to the sanitation.

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