
Rep. Ilhan Omar Statement on House Vote on the Bipartisan Tax Deal

Press Release - H.R. 7024 Vote

February 1, 2024

Press Release

WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Ilhan Omar

Vice Ranking Member of the Budget Committee

Issued the Following Statement

House vote of H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act

Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act

Tonight, I voted for the bipartisan tax compromise to bring immediate financial relief to my constituents. While the improvements to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Low-Income Housing Tax Credit are nowhere near enough to meet critical needs, these changes signify worthwhile down payments in the well-being of working-class families, benefiting as many as 34,000 kids in the 5th District in the first year.

“I am still disappointed knowing how much more could have been done for working families if Congressional Democrats had serious partners across the aisle.

The enhanced CTC from the American Rescue Plan helped cut child poverty in half, and Republicans refused to help us make it permanent.

Republicans shamefully used their time in divided government to take advantage of the needs of kids and families to prioritize billions more in unnecessary tax breaks for corporations.

Our budget and economic policy priorities must be truly centered on the public interest and not special interests. I voted for this package to make this small but important step toward progress. I will continue to fight for an equitable economy that prioritizes people over politics.”

“Our budget and economic policy priorities must be truly centered on the public interest and not special interests.

I voted for this package to make this small but important step toward progress.

I will continue to fight for an equitable economy that prioritizes people over politics.”

© 2024 Rep. Ilhan Omar

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