
Today news David McBride: Australian War Crimes Whistleblower Pleads Guilty

David McBride: Australian War Crimes Whistleblower Pleads Guilty

David McBride: Australian War Crimes Whistleblower Pleads Guilty

Published 1 hour ago

David McBride: Whistleblower and Legal Case

By Tiffanie Turnbull, BBC News, Sydney

A whistleblower who helped expose allegations of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty to leaking classified information.

David McBride speaking outside court

David McBride, an ex-military lawyer, felt a moral duty to speak up after his internal complaints were ignored.

A landmark inquiry later found evidence that Australian forces had unlawfully killed 39 Afghans during the war.

McBride admits he gave troves of documents to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) because he was concerned about what he then thought was the "over-investigation" of troops, the court heard.

He pleaded guilty on Friday to three charges of stealing and unlawfully sharing secret military information.

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